Sunday, January 20, 2008


Kai has just turned a new leaf. He is doling out hugs like nobody knows. He has taken from hugging Katie, then toddling over to me to hand out another - usually accompanied with laughter - then repeat. It is so sweet. When he comes to our legs for attention he really latches on. The boy is an absolute pleasure to be around.

Grandma and Grandpa Roth just came by for a visit. They stayed for a few days last week. It was nice to see them spending time with Kai. He was a little shy at first, but warmed right up to them. It was fun to see Bob so playful. We visited the Waunita (not a typo) hot springs and had a nice few days of good meals and family time. Mardee and Bob left for a quick visit to the Minnesota Roths before heading west for Mt. Angel, OR and then back to Alaska.

Anyhow, I am grateful for the hugging that has been going on around here. Katie and I hug every morning at least. We give Kai a group hug when he goes to bed. All the hugs in between are money. More hugs, people. It makes the world a better place.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

The Weather

This has been a very snowy winter. More than 175 inches of the fluff has fallen already this winter. As a snowboarder this is bliss. The cross country trails are getting filled in, as are the roads, driveways, and rooftops. It is remarkable, really. The snowbanks are massive. The tourists are shocked. Our snow shovels are getting a lot of mileage. We went from stepping down off of our porch to throwing snow over huge piles of snow. I get obsessive/compulsive about the shoveling our driveway. I like to sculpt the walls and make sure everything is clear and smooth.

Being outside in a storm is one of my favorite things to do in the winter. The wind and snow swirling around and a well-layered outfit insulating me against the cold. When I am snowboarding in the thick of a storm, the insulated gear, goggles, and locomotion makes me feel like I am just along for a crazy ride. Of course I am mindful of where I am going, but looking through the tinted lens and driving through snow that I have sprayed into the air makes for a surreal experience. With the storms rolling through this winter there has been a lot of surreality.

This is no good for training, mind you. But, C'est la vie.

Katie went out for a cross country ski today while Kai and I rallied on the sled. That is, I dragged him around the 'hood. On the way down the hill I was arching turns for Kai and he was fully laying over the side dragging his hands in the fresh. At one point I got him in a little too deep and he got his first face shot. Usually that is a call for joy, but he was none too pleased to have the tiny amount of face exposed to the elements covered with a thick blanket of snow. He got over it pretty quick once I wiped him down and was giggling as soon as we started rallying again.

So fun.

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

Oh Seven


Oh eight. Game on.

It was a great ending to '07. Loads of snow and friends to share the fun. Katie is doing well. Her belly is getting big. She has been cross country skiing - gave up on the hill after free ski. She's still working hard and trying to keep Kai in check. Kai is as awesome as ever. He is getting bigger all the time. His hair is starting to make an attempt at growing out. He is pulling everything he can reach off anything he can reach. He is constantly on the move, looking for business in every nook and cranny. Currently he is pulling the cling wrap apart. Time for a nap.

This year promises to be very exciting. With the new baby on the way things are going to be very busy around here. We are still working on names and room configurations to make our new little one feel welcome and safe. My work at the school has been busy but manageable. The many changes were a challenge at first, but now that we are in the swing of things I feel good about how everything is running. I believe we are at the tip of the ice berg as far as how things will progress from here and it feels good knowing that.

We just got a web cam from Uncle Ben, so let us know if you are flickr users and want to chat. The technology is totally cool. Uncle Charlie and Jacey are the only two we have video corresponded with so far. The holiday season is nice for being reminded of all the friends and family who care to stay in touch and extend the love. Katie did all the work this season - the cards, decorations, and yuletide cheer. I am grateful for her efforts as the house felt very warm for the holidays.

For anyone who reads this, I hope that this year brings you much happiness and prosperity.