Cold and Clear

We were just graced with a visit from Jimmy, Maury, and Josie. Josie, at 20 months, was great at doing her thing and getting Katie and I ready for what is in store ahead of us. Her grasp of language - English, Spanish, and ASL - is amazing, doubly so because she speaks through her pacifier. She moves fast. She eats a huge variety of foods and likes a good game of chase with Dad. It was very nice sharing morning coffee with the whole crew and I think the ladies liked having opportunities to sleep in. We spent some time up at the resort riding, but mostly we spent time talking and relaxing together. Very, very nice.
Winter has been cold so far. We have had a couple good storms, but nothing for a couple weeks so the resort has been blowing tons of snow. Our park opened today and I rode with a couple hungry kids who charged fearlessly at the massive piles of sculpted snow. I managed to get over all the jumps and have a fun time doing it. I am getting old, but lasted through another day.
Kai is doing very well. He is a remarkable little fella. Check out his face in the above photo if you can. He really looks like he is enjoying himself. He smiles and wiggles around like nobodies business. Katie and I are very taken with him. He turns two months-old tomorrow. My father turned 70 today. How cool. My dad said something like "I hope I live long enough that he understands I love him very much." It was very nice to hear that in conjunction with my father's overall health and happiness.