For Granted

I am sitting in room 3302 in the St. Mary's Hospital in Grand Junction, Colorado with Tyler. He is a senior at CBA and took a nasty slam in the park yesterday after taking "one more run." He over shot the landing on a frontside 720, landed 630, caught his heels, and slammed his head. The rest of the team had gone down. He and Tuck decided to take one more. One should never take one more. I don't consider myself a superstitious person, but if I have to take one more run I always say "two more, skip the last one."
Anyhow, we got a phone call from ski patrol as soon as we got back to campus. I was able to change and get back to the clinic just behind Tyler. He was clearly cuncussed and in pain. They put him on an ambulance down to Gunny and I followed in my car. After a ct scan the docs saw some bleeding in his left ventrical and decided the safest thing to do was to get him to St. Mary's and close proximity to a neurosurgeon, so they ordered a flight for life helicopter.
I drove down to GJ while Ty flew. This is a scarey predicament, but Tyler is doing well. His mom is on her way out here from back east. He is watching the tube, checked in with his friends on my computer, and is just riding this out.
I brought his helmet in for him to see the crack up the back. It is no accident that he was wearing it.
On another note. The north end of the Gunnison valley just lost all of its natural gas service from CB South up through Mt. CB. We went nearly 72 hours with no gas - which is our source of heat, hot water, and comfort. Fortunatly, Christian and Michelle put us up the first night and our neighbors gave us a couple electric heaters, Katie brought in a couple more from her studio, and we have great insulation, so we fared well through the whole ordeal. We were actually in the last 5% to get turned on.
For Granted is the title here. I just want to put it out there that health, happiness, and community are noth things I take for granted and I am grateful to have every day. My friend Matt shared this web site with me the other day and I found it inspirational, and it ties in with the title of this blog. Check it out for a beautiful tale.
Cuz, the Hoyts are amazing people--they are famous in these parts. I've run in a couple of road races with them, and we cheer them on every marathon along with cousin Pete. Absolutely inspirational, that's for sure. Love to you & the 2 K's.
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