
Kai is not afraid of a little alone time. We are so proud of him. He spent last night in his room. His crib seems so gigantic when he is laid out in the middle of it. He is cool with it, though. He's been sleeping the same room as Katie and/or I since coming home. Last night we set up the monitor and put him down in his room to see how he would do. Didn't phase him. He did his four hour pushes, woke up for some boob action, then right back down. Amazing.
This morning we had him come spend some quality time in bed with us. We did a little "tummy time" and he flipped himself onto his back in about two seconds. He was karate chopping and high kicking like a maniac. Good fun.
Tomorrow it is back to work. Preparing for the season, understanding I will be away from Kai for a couple days at a time, and knowing I am going to miss him is requiring some patience and understanding. I love my job and know that we are fortunate to have a steady income. I feel conflicted in that I don't want to miss Kai growing up and I know that I will be out chasing kids around the mountains on snowboards while he is home with Katie. The reality, for me, is that this is a compromise, but it is benign compared to what many families have to deal with. Lucky that I don't have to go do a tour in Afganistan or go out to sea for a month to catch fish.
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