
Everyone is still fine, we are just waiting for the package to be delivered. Katie is healthy and happy, albeit ready to get on with it. The baby is doing fine. We had a non-stress test yesterday and the little fella is doing very well. I love to watch her belly jiggle when we are laughing and imagine him laughing with us. It has to be fun, like wiping out in gentle surf. I told Katie to stop pampering him so he'll get out of there. She has had a lot of contractions, just none that have been in a measurable series or intense enough to warrant a trip to the delivery room.
If he decides to stay put, we will induce labor on Monday. Its nice to know we will have a baby by then. Matt and CC had Lily Catherine on 10/10/06. A beautiful baby girl. Mom and baby are doing well. Matt and I have been furiously texting each other for updates and we had a good phone conversation. It was very moving to hear his account of a difficult delivery. This is a very exciting time for both our young families.
By the way, thanks for all the nice phone calls, e-mails, and kind wishes. It is nice to be loved.
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