
We are out of the Riverbend condo. A new place in life. Now we are house sitting and waiting for the new place to be finished. It is a nice time to have a lightened load as far as financial burdens go. The grass is getting greener every day. The snow recedes up-valley as the temperatures climb and the warm sun shines. It has snowed a couple times in the past week, but nothing more than flurries. Springtime in the rockies is a waiting game. There are buds starting to form on the aspen trees and some bulbs have pushed their way free of the dirt, but vegetation around here knows better than to jump up too soon. There is still frost on the ground in the mornings.
The rivers are up and Katie and I are anxious to put our boat together and get out on the river to test 'er out. We haven't raised the Jolly Roger yet and time is wastin'. Unfortunately, I am on duty this weekend, so I may not get after the Gunnison River until Sunday. That might be just fine as Katie turns 31 on that fine day. The forecast looks good - so we could be floating under clear springtime skies. Or snow, it is the Rockies after all.
The photo above was taken last week in Carlsbad, CA in my friends Kurt and Becca's backyard. I have had a lot of fun over the years that they have owned the house dropping in for visits and helping them with various projects around the house. The lates was knocking out a wall to turn a two car garaged turned bedroom/utility room back into a two car garage. The sledge hammer is one of my favorite tools of all time! Anyhow, I got to surf, hang with friends, enjoy some warm weather, see flowers, and watch dolphins play in the surf. Good times in sunny California. I returned to CO and drove straight up to Summit County to chaperone a leg of the spring break trip a few of the kids were doing. It was fun shredding again, but I am ready for mountain bikes and boats.
Katie is healthy and happy, and our cat has been able to adjust to the move into house sitting for Rusty and Mandy without freaking out too much. It's my brother's birthday today. The shallow end of the skatepark is almost clear. And that is all the random info I have to lay out right now.
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