Tuesday, March 21, 2006

The problem with everything going right...

The problem with everything going right is that it seems to be fleeting - only a matter of time until the next crash comes along. I have been filled with a great feeling about work lately. The vast majority of the kids have been focused and working hard on the hill and in the classroom. There are a couple of kids struggling to find their groove, but I enjoy working with kids who struggle. In fact, when I think about everything going right, the reality is that it is going right for me because I am involved with trying to educate and that means learning from mistakes. So maybe the path is moving relatively smoothly at the moment, but that doesn't mean there are not a slough of issues on the table.

A big part of my job as a snowboard coach is filming and editing video. The kids love this aspect of the program, so I have their ears and some semblance of respect because they see that I am working for them. As a coach I can tell them what they are doing right and what they are doing wrong, but it is such a cool tool to be able to show them what needs to be done on video. Taking the footage from training and turning it into a video they can share with their friends and family, or even a potential sponsor, is yet another benefit of the process. Showing kids how to edit brings another connection. Snowboarding, video editing, and sharing positive experiences outdoors are all elements of each day. I am so grateful for this.

I am also, as I have written, a part of the Administrative Committee, a teacher, a student advisor, and currently in charge of the IT systems. So, for all the fun of being in the field, there is also the beaurocracy and paperwork. I am grateful for the learning experiences. I see some of my colleagues getting run into the dirt because of the time and emotional commitments, and I have highs and lows, but feel like my experience has been so positive.

So, as I surf this high and all of its goodness, I have to let experience tell me that I am only days away from finding out one of my snowboarders got drunk, stole a car, and got the mayor's daughter pregnant.


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