Friday, December 16, 2005

Damn Cold

The local paper said we set an all time cold record last week at -39 degrees F. Sweet. My car wouldn't start for a couple days and my snowboard wouldn't run no matter what wax I used. I t warmed up enough for a storm to come through and drop a foot of fresh, but now it is back to damn cold. Yesterday morning the thermometer read -18 and today it read -20. Where Katie and I live is in a dip in the valley right on the Slate river, so it collects cold air and drives the temps down even lower than in town which is less than two miles away. Lucky us. Our wood stove has been keeping us toasty - for the most part. Some people dream of soft sand beaches, drinks served in pineapples with umbrellas hanging out the top, and tropical sun. As for me, I like it cold. Damn cold.


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