Monday, October 31, 2005


After posting the warm and tropical photos of our honeymoon in Kauai, it seems kind of fun to write about being cold. Over the weekend there was snow, wind, cold, and all the rites of winter. This morning I had to sweep snow off my car and then scrape the frozen windshield. Its almost time to start wearing long underwear. I won't leave home without a warm hat and gloves. I took the weekend to finish splitting and stacking wood (in the snow), and generally just relax. Starting next weekend, with the opening of Copper Mountain, I will be travelling and coaching six to seven days a week until the end of April.

I haven't had the eagerness for winter until today, more or less. One group of kids had gone to Loveland Ski area and another had sought out street hand rails to film in the snow. Both groups came to me excited and proud of their "work" learning new tricks and capturing footage of their trickery. Their stoke is infectious. Mix the goodness of the first snow that sticks, Haloween, and the coming opening weekend at Copper, and the energy is full and good. To top it off, as I was pulling out of town I was blown away by the sunset. The fresh, white peaks reflected the glow of long, pink clouds. Street and house lights came on. The bustle of post-work pre trick-or-treat buzzed. Mt. Crested Butte so solid and strong against the cold, colorful night sky. All the elements working harmoniously. Beautiful.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Was surfing the net loking for some extreme ski videos and I came upon your site and I was impressed by the quality of content you have. Keep up the awesome job. I will be bookmarking you right now.

3:20 PM  

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