Last post was in February. Web 2.0 is such a distraction. I mean, I have to Flickr, Twitter, Facebook, stay involved with the SB Forums, and keep up with virtual and real friends on the interwebs. There is work (was) and staying active - currently a lot of bike riding, skateboarding, a little running, and trying to keep up with the boys. The later represents most of my time, actually. Katie is busting her a double s to bring home the bacon and I am spending a lot of time at home with the boys. I like the role and feel grateful to be so active in raising the boys, but I am anxious to get back to work.
So, regarding work, I am in limbo waiting to hear from a company about my start date. I won't go into anymore detail right now because I'm too annoyed. It would be a great gig I can do from Crested Butte and once again become a contributor to our family income and livelihood. There have been assurances that the job is mine, but no contract yet. Cautious optimism is mixed with impatience and annoyance.
All things considered, I am happy and grateful that our little family is doing so well. Katie has been racing her mountain bike and cleaning up the Beginner class in the Crested Butte Mountain Resort Pinnacle Series. I've been bringing the boys up to watch and, though they aren't paying much attention, they really seem to like it. Having a big grass field to run around on is a pretty nice way to spend an evening. I've been on my bike quite a bit, although not too many epic rides. Mostly I am riding under two hour rides, but really enjoying them. Katie and I have also been able to get some rides in together, which is really nice.
I feel grateful for Katie. She is working hard, keeping up morale, always studying up on how to raise our children better, working to improve her health and fitness, and generally a great wife and mother. There are so many challenges raising kids and keeping a healthy relationship, and Katie is conscious of this and proactive in making things better.
We spent a week in VT with the Curtiss, Hewitt, and Anderson families. It just blows me away that our kids and families are growing so quickly. It was an amazing week of laughing, eating, chasing kids, burning stuff, and having a great time with my oldest and dearest friends. It wasn't restful, because collectively trying to manage seven kids and organize meals and fun stuff for the whole group is a monumental task. Nonetheless, it was such a fun and funny time. I can't wait to do it again. Next time around might not be in VT, should be interesting to see how we decide where we are going to end up.
The summer has been fun, if not a little stressful. I am trying not to get too down on the job situation. Staying active, as it has always been in my life, keeps me happy and around friends. Hopefully I can post some more good news soon about the job front and more details about Kai and Gus growing up and filling our lives with a lot of love and happiness.
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